I (@HariKrishnaDev) was at the social media day celebrations conducted by @Mashable in Chennai city (India) today evening. There were more than 100 people registered for this Mashable Social Media Meetup (http://www.meetup.com/Mashable/9859/) and around 40 people attended this meetup.
Day: 30th June, 6:30 PM lasted till 9 PM
Venue: Unwind Centre (Gandhi Nagar, Adyar)
The event started with the welcome speech by the organizer Sorav Jain (@SoravJain). He had a brief on social media’s growth in India with the slides to show up. He also had some statistics for the progress of India among the social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn over the last couple of years. India is one among the top 10 countries in twitter for the number of registrations now which was not even in top 50 last year. There are around 70 Lakh Indians in Facebook and there are close to around 5 million professionals registered in LinkedIn from India.
Then the meetup moved on to the individual introductions. I was surprised to see the diversification among the participants, there were house wives, college students, CEOs, professors and IT professionals and also freelancers. This shows us that Social Media is here to stay. Everyone added a lot of value to the conversation session. There was a talk mainly on how they are leveraging the social media for their businesses, clients and/or for their personal networking.
We started with 140 character introduction (tweeduction) of participants, followed by a platform to discuss ‘How Social Media has influenced lives’. Few participants had amazing stories to share, relevant to Social Media and Success. The discussion went on How :
- Social Media can be used for a small business with low budgets
- the balance of social media and personal life
I spoke on how I emerged as an SEO expert taking the advantages of SMO. Kartik also had some of the notes how he is leveraging the social media – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn in AppStore Apps (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) marketing. Few of the CEOs shared their thoughts on using Social Media for their successful business. Few attended to know how social media can help their small businesses grow.
To make sure that the session did not deviate into only presentations, we also had an engaging and light session of Housie/Tambola.
Few photos of the Mashable Social Media Meetup:
And in all it was a memorable event, successfully executed.