About Me

Keen Learner, enthusiast and a practicing SEO professional. I have spent around 6 years in SEO and SMO and love exploring the web. A civil engineer when I started out after college, I took to online marketing like fish to water in a few years. oDesk Certified Search Engine Optimization Consultant oDesk Certified Google Analytics Consultant oDesk Certified Google Webmaster Expert

Social Media - Step8 of The Complete SEO Process

11:16 AM

What is Social Media?

Social Media Will Change Your Business

Social media as defined on Wikipedia is “Social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio. This interaction, and the manner in which information is presented, depends on the varied perspectives and "building" of shared meaning among communities, as people share their stories, and understandings.”

Different forms of Social media: Internet forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Examples of social media applications are Google Groups (reference, social networking), Wikipedia (reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook (social networking), Last.fm (personal music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), Second Life (virtual reality), Flickr (photo sharing), Twitter (social networking and microblogging) and other.

The trend continues to grow as more and more sites appear and existing sites allow for much more interaction and user generated content.

These social networks allow you to post articles, podcasts, videos, Blogs, bookmarks, bios, profiles and comments. With social media it is very easy to share your marketing messages.

The advent of social networking sites and user generated content also opens up new opportunities for businesses to get involved and really interact with and market to their audience in a different way.

How to benefit from social media?

Facebook.com is a site that was designed for social networking. You connect with friends, family and colleagues by searching the Facebook member database.

Create a Blog and Act with the Feedback: Many popular Blogs have comments and feedback from the Blog readers.

Participate in different ways depending on the particular site, but usually you start a group related to your product or service, posting your interests, posting comments on the Blog or Message Board forum within the particular website. You can post announcements, list products or services. You can announce events, newsletters, webinars etc.

As search engines pull twitter updates into the SERPS, Create a twitter account. They like history and they like quality. They also like volume. So, get an account now if you don’t have one already. Tweet often but keep it natural – and tweet quality. Tweet when you have something to ask, share or teach.

Things to remember while you Tweet: Use keywords – but don’t stuff with keywords. If the tweets are about your industry, you should be using keywords naturally anyway.

If you are going to retweet your messages at different times of the day to be more likely to catch your audience, make sure you vary them a little bit. Use links in your tweets back to the relevant content on your site and share the link. Make sure you use your keyword in your bio.

The next post is on "Blogging", A very important act to keep the content fresh.


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