About Me

Keen Learner, enthusiast and a practicing SEO professional. I have spent around 6 years in SEO and SMO and love exploring the web. A civil engineer when I started out after college, I took to online marketing like fish to water in a few years. oDesk Certified Search Engine Optimization Consultant oDesk Certified Google Analytics Consultant oDesk Certified Google Webmaster Expert

Social Media - Step8 of The Complete SEO Process

11:16 AM 0 Comments

What is Social Media?

Social Media Will Change Your Business

Social media as defined on Wikipedia is “Social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio. This interaction, and the manner in which information is presented, depends on the varied perspectives and "building" of shared meaning among communities, as people share their stories, and understandings.”

Different forms of Social media: Internet forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Examples of social media applications are Google Groups (reference, social networking), Wikipedia (reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook (social networking), Last.fm (personal music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), Second Life (virtual reality), Flickr (photo sharing), Twitter (social networking and microblogging) and other.

The trend continues to grow as more and more sites appear and existing sites allow for much more interaction and user generated content.

These social networks allow you to post articles, podcasts, videos, Blogs, bookmarks, bios, profiles and comments. With social media it is very easy to share your marketing messages.

The advent of social networking sites and user generated content also opens up new opportunities for businesses to get involved and really interact with and market to their audience in a different way.

How to benefit from social media?

Facebook.com is a site that was designed for social networking. You connect with friends, family and colleagues by searching the Facebook member database.

Create a Blog and Act with the Feedback: Many popular Blogs have comments and feedback from the Blog readers.

Participate in different ways depending on the particular site, but usually you start a group related to your product or service, posting your interests, posting comments on the Blog or Message Board forum within the particular website. You can post announcements, list products or services. You can announce events, newsletters, webinars etc.

As search engines pull twitter updates into the SERPS, Create a twitter account. They like history and they like quality. They also like volume. So, get an account now if you don’t have one already. Tweet often but keep it natural – and tweet quality. Tweet when you have something to ask, share or teach.

Things to remember while you Tweet: Use keywords – but don’t stuff with keywords. If the tweets are about your industry, you should be using keywords naturally anyway.

If you are going to retweet your messages at different times of the day to be more likely to catch your audience, make sure you vary them a little bit. Use links in your tweets back to the relevant content on your site and share the link. Make sure you use your keyword in your bio.

The next post is on "Blogging", A very important act to keep the content fresh.

On-going Content Addition - Step7 of The Complete SEO Process

8:10 AM 0 Comments

Remember “Content is the King”. The search engines like to see that your site is growing. They like to see new content being added regularly. It’s actually an important part of their algorithm. Many people add content when they optimize their site, and that is a great idea but you shouldn’t stop there. Create a plan to add content on an on-going basis.

Thinking of how much content you need to add. It depends on so many factors, just a couple of which are: how big is your site, how many different services you offer, how many different products are on your website to talk about? If you start adding a page a day and just can’t keep up with that pace the engines will notice when you stop adding content. You want to establish a pattern and some consistency. You should plan on making your content pull double duty. Use it to syndicate to article directories and also use it on social media sites.

If your Blog is on your server in a subdirectory then content you add to your Blog counts. Keep Blogging.

Next post is focussed on "Social Media", Step8 of the Complete SEO Process.

Off-Page Optimization - Links: Step6 of The Complete SEO Process

8:36 PM 0 Comments

Links help search engines find pages. As a search engine crawler travels around the web, it follows links and index the web page. The more links to a web page, the more likely and quickly the web page will be indexed.

A page's value is determined by the number of links to the page. The search engines place a greater value on a page if lots of pages link to that page. Suppose you have a web page that diligently explains how to insert graphics on a web page. Furthermore, assume that so many websites to link to that page. By having so many links to that particular page, the search engines will assume that the web page must be important. Each link is like a vote for your website.

Links are not only good for the engines but good links open up new sources of traffic from relevant, complementary but non-competing websites.

Linking has gone through so many transformations over the years. First all reciprocal links are good, then only relevant links are good. Then reciprocal links are not helpful, you need one way links. The best is the natural links you get from the theme related websites.

Previously it was like you target for high PageRank sites, but it is of the relevancy more important now. Buying links is a hot topic now - Google has clearly stated that they will penalize sites for buying links – It is advised strongly to avoid buying links.

Ways of getting Good number of Back Links:

The best way of getting links is to just write great content, create a fabulous podcast or an interesting video and then submit it to various social media sites, article directories - basically any place where you can submit it. Creating great content that enhances your site and also spreads virally is the Holy Grail.

Also have a resources page on your domain to list the reliable resources:

• Do not add more than 100 outgoing links

• Do not prefer links from a page with more than 50 links

• Links should be organized in categories that make sense

• No links should be off the theme

• Links coming in to your site should go to different pages, not just one page.

• Use different anchor text for links

• Links must be attained and grow in a “natural” way

• Attaining too many links too quickly doesn’t look natural

Take care of the variation in the keywords used in the anchor text, Vary them as you send them out to other sites to link to you.

In the next post, we will discuss "On-going Content Addition" Step7 of the Complete SEO Process. Keep visiting this blog to gain knowledge on the Basic, Complete SEO Process. If you have any questions, please comment here, I will respond at the earliest.

Google Webmaster Tools - Step5 of The Complete SEO Process

9:45 PM 0 Comments

One should know how to use Google Webmaster Tools (Great Tools by Google) to Analyze and Maintain your website effectively.

Google Webmaster Tools provides you with detailed reports about your pages' visibility on Google. Improve traffic with Google Webmaster Tools.

Verification: Before you get started, you need to tell Google what sites you want included in your account. Enter the URL as prompted and then you will need to verify the ownership of that site by adding a Meta tag or upload a HTML file with the Meta Tag to your server as provided.

Brief of the Stats available in Google Webmaster Tools:

Your Site on the Web: This section has the following data:

• Search queries: How people are getting to your site from a Google Search
• Links to your site
• Keywords
• Internal Links
• Subscriber Stats

Diagnostics: The Diagnostic tools are here to tell you about any errors that Google has encountered while crawling your site. They will report on the following error types:

• Malware
• Crawl Errors
• Crawl Stats
• HTML Suggestions
• URLs timed out
• Unreachable URLs

Links: The link reports in Webmaster Tools are limited, but do provide you with ways to measure internal and external link popularity.

Google Sitemaps: Google Sitemaps are what the entire Webmaster Tools were originally built around. Here you can upload and manage XML based sitemap files that catalog all of the pages on your site.

Analyze robots.txt: Robots.txt is where Googlebot and other spiders go when they land on your site to immediately find instructions on what they can and cannot have access to within your site. If you don’t want spiders indexing your images, just disallow them. If you’d prefer not to have certain areas of your site indexed and available for the searching public – go ahead and restrict access.

This is where you can check to make sure your robots.txt file is not only up to date, but also valid in terms of how it is written.

Malware details: In order to help webmasters eliminate malware, Google is now sharing snippets of code from pages it considers malware.

Fetch as Googlebot: The Fetch as Googlebot feature lets users see if some of their pages have been hacked and help them understand why they aren’t ranking for certain keywords.

Site performance: This page shows you performance statistics of your site. You can use this information to improve the speed of your site and create a faster experience for your users.

Set crawl rate: This area is very informative - it provides an overview of Googlebot’s activity on your site. If you have recently updated your site or acquired new links you’ll want to come back and check this section out. See if you see an increase in Googlebot activity in response to your work.

Set preferred domain: Tired of seeing www.domain.com and domain.com in your search results? Or, maybe you have become worried about canonicalization and how it will impact your optimization and links? All you have to do is set the preferred domain tool. Using this tool you can instruct Google to display URLs according to your preference. Now you can have all listings appear as being on http://www.domain.com/.

Remove URLs: This automated tool is available to help resolve issues with pages that no longer exist or pages that you just want removed from Google’s index.

In conclusion, the above is a general outline of the important features in Webmaster Tools. Keep analyzing the data available about your website over there and take actions as required.

Thanks for reading these posts on "The Complete SEO Process ". Step6 of the Complete SEO Process will be focussed on the important campaign for Link Building "Off-Page Optimization - Links".

On-page Optimization - Step4 of The Complete SEO Process

9:07 PM 0 Comments

The perfect SEO formula is to create relevant content (on-page optimization) and add high ranking inbound links (off-page optimization).

In this post, we talk about On-page optimization which involves usage of Title, Meta tags and modifying keyword frequency in the URL, Headings, Hypertext Links and Body text.

The processes of optimization change over time so keep your self updated with the current search engines’ trends and implement them in the on-going success of your webpage.

Let’s start with the Meta Tags.

Meta Tags are HTML tags describe what the Web page is about. Unlike regular tags, Meta tags do not provide formatting information for the browser. They provide such information as the author, date of creation or latest update for the page, titles, descriptions and keywords (which tell the search engines the subject matter of the page).

For SEO purpose The Only Three Meta Tags - Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords tags are very important.

The Importance of Meta Tags:

Meta Tags are important for three reasons:

• They help provide the information that is listed in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

• They are part of what influences (albeit only slightly) how well our individual pages rank on the SERPs.

• Meta Description help improve your search engine click-through rate

All major search engines utilize (if only partially) Meta description and title tags in an effort to understand the relevance of the site. They also look at alt tags (important in today’s Blended/Universal search results - which feature video, images, etc.).

The Basics of Meta Elements & Tags:

Meta tags are not something you should spend a lot of time worrying about. But do focus on crafting them so they properly reflect your site and its mission. Demonstrate your value in the Meta Description. The main purpose of Title & Meta Tags is to help search engines understand your Web pages better.

Title Tag:

While no hard and fast rules have been established about title tags (this is actually a Meta element but is often referred to as “Title tag”), it is widely accepted that they are an important part of a Web page. There is a debate on the ideal number of characters to be included in the Title tag. There are a few things that are not really debated and are widely agreed upon.

For example, your Title tag should contain the most important keyword for each specific webpage (and therefore are unique to that page and are not repeated throughout the site).

Title tags should never exceed 65 characters, since this is the point where most search engines will truncate the information. While many sites routinely exceed this character limit, the value of a clear and concise Title tag outweighs any benefit you may obtain from repeating the keyword or including keyword variations.

The placement of the keyword (or key phrase) is equally important to users and search engines. It is the “clickable” portion of a search listing and because search engines do take these keywords into consideration when weighing the value of the page, it’s best to include keywords where they will be found – at the start of the Title tag.

It’s not all about your position on the SERPs (position 1 versus 2, or 5 versus 7) – it’s also about the quality of the listing and if it inspires confidence in your site and tells the user you have what they are looking for.

Description Tag:

The description is one of several Meta elements which assist users in determining whether a resource will be useful to them when conducting queries and viewing the SERPs. Your Description tag conveys the purpose of the page in a clear, objective manner for these users and in some instances (should the search engines not find something better within the copy of your webpage) is used for search engine results.

When you write your Description tag think of your audience and the information you wish to convey. The Description tag is intended to assist users in determining if a listed resource will be useful to them, so stuffing keywords into this element and being “cutesy” or too “hypey” instead of being informative, clear and concise could cause alienation of the potential site visitor.

Typically the first 160 characters (including spaces) of the Description are created for the purpose of display on search engine results pages and should therefore be as concise, coherent and as objective as possible.

Keywords Tag:

The Keyword tag is the least important Meta tag, but it does serve as a guide to the theme of the page, and it tells the engines what words they can expect to find on your web page.

It is important to realize that search engines assign little value to the keyword tag as it has been and is still abused by those attempting to game the search results pages.

How Do I Use Titles & Meta Tags?

ALT Tags:

ALT tags are the alternative text that the browser displays when a Web surfer is unable (or unwilling) to see the images in a web page. ALT Tags to provide search engines alternative information for an image.

You should not stuff your ALT tags with keywords, keep the text short and concise and use the most relevant keyword to that page and the particular image.

Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3 to H6):

Heading structure is important not only to present a clear structure to the web page but also in consideration of those using text readers and the search engines.

Heading tags are used to define the headings in your page. There are 6 available, h1 set of heading tags being the biggest and boldest and the h6 set being the smallest.

And these tags appearance can be changed based on your web site design. You can use CSS to alter the Header tags so the text doesn’t actually look different but you still get the SEO benefit of the tags.

Heading Tags Used for Headings Only

Page/File Names:

Using your keyword in the file name is another way to let the engines know the page is really relevant to those keywords. Such as: http://yourdomain.com/use-keyword.html.

If you use multiple phrases use a hyphen (-) rather than an underscore (_) to separate words. Don’t create a huge run on string (ex: keyword1-keyword2-keyword3- keyword4.htm) Also make sure you name the page according to what it is about, rather than just using it as a place to put random keywords.

Keyword Rich Content:

Content is King! The search engines have one goal - that is to deliver relevant results to a searcher on their site. If they don’t deliver quality, relevant results they are going to lose their following. Google got so popular because they are known for great relevant results. So, it stands to reason that the best thing you can do to show the engines you are relevant to your keywords is to actually use your keywords within your pages.

Tips on Creating Rich Content for the Search Engines:

• When you're writing your content, focus on 1-3 of your most important keyword phrases.

• Emphasize your main keywords in the first paragraph. This is the first thing the search engines "see" so it should include keyword-dense text.

• Aim to keep your page length between 200 - 600 words.

• If you’re struggling on where to put all those keywords, try writing non- optimized copy first and add key phrases later.

• Search for words and phrases like "our product" and "it," and transform them into keyword-filled phrases. Then your text and marketing flow are covered and adding keywords is simply filling in the blanks.

• Read your copy out loud to make sure it doesn’t sound stilted with all those keyword phrases. Strong search engine copywriting maintains a persuasive flow to it even with keyword phrases, and don’t clump keyword phrases in a big text block separated by commas. Search engines read this as spam and your prospects will be unimpressed by your nonsensical text.

• Tighten your copy and keep it focused.

• Write short paragraphs and include sub headlines that integrate keyword-rich bullet points to make it more readable.

Writing for the engines is very similar to conventional copywriting except you structure your text around certain key phrases. With a little keyword phrase research and powerful benefit statements, your copy will sell your products/services in a way that the search engines love.

Interlink pages:

The engines like to follow a path through your site and they like to see your pages interconnected. The best way to explain this concept is to give an excerpt of text. Let’s say your website is about selling tickets to concert. You may have an article about how to get tickets – here’s an excerpt:

Rather than just leaving that text as is, you could chose to add some content on the concert performance cities using some of the keywords and link them to another page within your site. It shows the engines that the site is focused on the “concert tickets” and also relevant information on “about the concert”.

On-page optimization is not a formula based, it’s all about testing while others are simply gut-feelings based on experience. However it does require patience, attention to detail and the ability to work within HTML.

In the next post we will deal with the "Google Webmaster Tools", Step5 of the Complete SEO Process

SEO Friendliness Design & Analysis - Step3 of The Complete SEO Process

8:55 PM 0 Comments

The design and the code of the basic website are to be good and error free.

To get top rankings and have long term SEO success you simply cannot ignore the foundation of your SEO campaign.

The basic coding structure:

• Clean code that is error free

• Java script that is in an external .js file and not on-page

• CSS in an external file and not on-page

• No frames

• No Flash or java script navigation

• Text that is on the actual page and not contained within Flash or an image

• Usage of Title & ALT Tags to provides search engines alternative information for an image

• Easy to navigate pages that are well connected to each other

• Breadcrumb navigation is often overlooked in the design and development process, but this improves measures of site

• A clearly defined topic for each page

• URLs that the engines can follow

• An HTML sitemap to list all the pages of the website

• A robots.txt file to tell the search engine crawlers which pages to crawl and index

• An XML sitemap to tell search engines about all the pages of your site & to get your website listed in all major search engines

Wait for the next post on Step4 of the Complete SEO Process - "On-page Optimization". This is a very crucial, important factor in ranking your website in the search engines.

Competitor Analysis - Step2 of The Complete SEO Process

9:45 PM 0 Comments

Why does one need to look at the competitors? How do you benefit from the competitor analysis?

What does everybody with the top rankings for your keyword is doing/did on their website? You should analyze their website to know what they did better than you. The foundation of a top ranked site should be SEO Friendly - Making sure the foundation of your site is clean, concise and “friendly” to the search engine bots to crawl the website content and index easily.

What do you need to look in your competitors?

• What keywords are they using?

• How is their foundation?

• What on-page optimization do they have in place?

• How many links do they have?

• Are these links from the theme related websites?

• Their Social Media Visibility

Finally, the intention is not to copy your competitors, but you do want to see what you are up against.

In the next post we will discuss the Step3 of the Complete SEO Process - "SEO Friendliness Design & Analysis".

Keyword Research - Step1 of The Complete SEO Process

10:15 PM 0 Comments

In this post we will discuss the 1st step in Complete SEO Process: "Keyword Research".

Finding the right keywords is the basis for your SEO.

Keyword research Process:

1. List all the possible words and phrases that people would use to find what services/products you are offering. Remember to put yourself in the mindset of the potential customer/end user.

2. Analyze the right competitors, do the necessary research to add to your basic key phrase list.

               a. Research your competitors to see what keywords they are using.

               b. Advanced: Look at your web stats and logs and pull words and phrases from there (this is a great source of info, you can find the words that people are already using to find you and enhance your rankings on those words so you can get even more traffic).

              c. If you have a search feature on your site, look at the logs and see what people are searching for within your site once they get there.

3. Compile the large master list you have come up with and use a keyword tool to determine how much is the search volume (Traffic) of these and how competitive the words/phrases are. This is a basis for you to use the keyword or not.

4. Now you need to categorize the list, break it into segments. You need some low competition keyword as well though the search volume is less.

I will explain you brief: The keywords that may be longer phrases with less traffic. These words will be easy to rank quickly so you can use those as your starting point to drive some quick traffic to the site. The second segment of your list should be words that are more competitive and have more traffic and will take longer to get rankings for. You will be glad you selected keywords from each segment because you will be getting traffic from the low hanging fruit while you are waiting for the more competitive phrases to kick in. I will always prefer to have 3 keywords targeted on each page – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary keywords. So Primary keyword will always be targeted with the complete SEO on the page and has more chances to rank quickly, here we will use a long tail keyword.

Let’s workout with an example here: If your keywords are too generic and not targeted it will take a long time to get rankings and the traffic likely won’t convert as well. If you use keywords that are way too specific you won’t get enough traffic but still the conversion rate is high.

Primary: The Long Tail

• Longer and more targeted phrases

• Traffic numbers are smaller

• People are further along in the buying process so conversion rates are higher


• Slightly shorter phrases

• Higher traffic numbers

• Phrases are still focused on what you offer


• Shorter phrases and single words

• Generic to your industry

• Lots of traffic

• Lower conversions

The thought process behind “long tail keywords” is that the more detail someone types in, the more they know exactly what they want and the further along they are in the “buying” process.

For example if someone types “wicked tickets” they could want to buy them or they could want info or they could want to see tickets price – who knows.

But if someone types in “wicked tickets New York August 18” then they know exactly what they want and are more likely to buy. Typically the longer the phrase, the less traffic there is but the more targeted it is, so it is likely to convert higher.

A solid SEO strategy should definitely implement some long tail because that allows you to get rankings quicker (there is usually less competition on long tail keywords) and it allows the conversion rate to be higher. You get the benefit from the long tail while you are waiting for your more competitive phrases to get ranked and kick in.

Most people are continually adding new long tail phrases and find that when they add them up, in total the long tail phrases end up becoming a large part of your traffic.

Another thing to consider is the searchers intent. Let’s look at this scenario to understand a little more.

“buy wicked tickets New York ” – the searcher is looking to buy wicked new york tickets online

“wicked tickets prices” – they are comparing prices and probably trying to decide if they will buy

“wicked musical tickets” – they are interested in wicked tickets

“wicked musical” – interested in wicked musical

You want to capture leads at the different phases, but understand you will convert more at the top level where they are further along in the buying process.

Your SEO strategy should include keywords from each of the three types of keywords above. Before you decide just Google your keywords and check out what sites come up on top how they have used the keyphrases. Check out what keywords they are using – you may get some idea.

In the next post we will discuss the Step2 of the Complete SEO Process - "Competitor Analysis".

The Complete SEO Process – Ten Steps

11:33 PM 0 Comments

Quick facts about SEO and Search Engines:

• More than 80% of internet users use search engines to find the products or services to buy

• Up to 85% of searchers ignore paid listings.

• 63% of the top natural (organic) listings get click through.

• Natural (organic) search results convert 60% higher than PPC.

• 11.8% of Google traffic will click on a site in the second page of results.

• In June 2009 Nielsen reported nearly 21 million unique visitors to Twitter.com (almost a 2000% increase year-over-year).

• Nielson, comScore and Compete pegged US unique visitors at 18.2 million, 17.6 million and 19.7 million, respectively, that month.

How important are the Top Search Engines?

We have a chart below that represents the searches done in the United States in 2010. It shows our main focus should be on just 4 search engines; Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL.

Search Engine Market Share Graph 2010, Fast SEO Ranking, Fast SEO Results, Fast Ranking, Fast Search, Advent Digital

The top 5 are more than 98% of the Internet's searches!

A good ranking in major search engines can make the difference between commercial success and failure.  In this blog, I would like to share with you the complete SEO process in ten possible steps.

These 10 steps provide a roadmap for an effective SEO program. To be noted that SEO is not a quick fix method to boost results, but it is and has to be ongoing to give the best desired results

1. To start: Keyword Research

2. Step Two: Competitor Analysis

3. Step Three: SEO Friendliness Design & Analysis

4. Step Four: On-page optimization

5. Step Five: Google Webmaster Tools

6. Step Six: Off-Page optimization - Links

7. Step Seven: On-going Content Addition

8. Step Eight: Social Media

9. Step Nine: Blogging

10. Step Ten: Web Site Maintenance

To start with the Complete SEO Process, next post is on "Keyword Research".

How to Make your Video easily found on Google

8:35 PM 0 Comments

Nelson Lee, Product Manager at Google, Clearly explained on how to make your videos searchable in Google: In his Words:

Google delivers relevant content with our video index, which essentisally holds Google's knowledge of videos across the web. This index is updated with new videos as Google discovers them. When a user conducts a search, Google looks through the index to find relevant videos and then displays them in search results.

How do you make sure that your videos can be found on Google?

To include your Videos in Google's index, we just need some basic information about each of them. The best way is to provide Google this information by creating and submitting a Video Sitemap which is simply a link to your video with some additional information that can be included in search results. Creating a Video Sitemap is Easy.

Five things we need to know about each video:
1. The Title
2. A brief Description
3. Play page URL
4.Thumbnail Image URL
5. Raw Video File Location

One you are ready with all the above information fo your Video, Sign in and submit your sitemap using Google Webmaster Tools.

Submitting a Video Sitemap means that Google can better discover your videos and make them easy to find in search results.

Learn more about Video Sitemaps: http://www.Google.com/videositemaps

Watch the Video:

** Source: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2010/07/video-sitemaps-101-making-your-videos.html

Rupee gets its symbol

2:16 AM 0 Comments

The jury has given its verdict: the rupee will retain its Indian character with an international flavour.

“An amalgam of the Devanagari ‘Ra’ and the Roman capital ‘R’ without the stem…. [it] is based on the Tricolour and “arithmetic equivalence”. While the white space between the two horizontal lines gives the impression of the national flag with the Ashok Chakra, the two bold parallel lines stand for ‘equals to’, representing balance in the economy, both within and with other economies of the world.”

The decision to create a new currency symbol reflects India’s aspiration to become a global player on international financial markets, in particular at a time when the Indian rupee has been strengthening against all major currencies.

And the winner was…Udaya Kumar, a post-graduate student at Mumbai’s Industrial Design Centre, which is part of one of India’s elite institutes of technology (IITs).

The verdict was given by a five-member jury and it now needs the cabinet’s final approval. However, the more important question is whether Indian citizens will like it. Beyondbrics hit the streets of Mumbai, India’s financial capital, with a copy of the new rupee symbol to gauge reaction to the currency’s novel design.

What the majority of the country thinks about this new symbol is still a mystery - very few have seen the symbol or were aware that the government was planning to create a new one. An appropriate marketing campaign will be necessary to get everybody on board to support it.

Search Engine Optimization helps in Growing Your Company over Internet

7:20 AM 0 Comments

Everyday, more and more websites owners are desperate to optimize their web sites in the serps and if you could not that up to the mark and regularly, You may be end up by loosing the place and giving a way to your competitor.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a phrase widely used nowadays by many e-commerce sites and are depended on SEO for the Search Engine Rankings and Traffic. For the past few years and the next 10 years or so, search engines like Google will be the most widely utilized web tool to find the sites in which they have to visit or the product or information they require (Even now 50% of the customers to the sites ate through Google).

The majority of people who use Yahoo and Google just use the ten top search engine results in the first page. Reaching the 1st page, much more so to the top three is a barometer of a internet sites success in SEO. Also to some extent the second page web sites also getting Traffic. You’re going to get a higher ratio of probability in being visited on whenever you position high. More the traffic for your web page, the more sales you collect.

However, it is crucial to seize a hold of that spot or even make your ranking better still. As I previously mentioned, everyday is really a new day for all site to help selves move up the SERP using Search Engine Optimization techniques. It really is imperative in making your website much better and better every single day. You will need SEO to become the top page on Google, or possibly at the very least help to make your blog profits producing.

Along with search engine optimization you can get the advantages of creating a high traffic volume. So once again, what is search engine optimization? Seo is making use of tools and techniques for making your web site best standing in the search engines. Getting yourself in the top page of Google and or even better yet in the top half of the page will ensure that your website will produce awareness of your site’s existence and consequently yield much more targeted traffic, visitors which could lead to potential income and business.

Search Engine Optimization demands lots of work to become fully realized. There are several elements you need to change in your website or add as well to acquire Search Engine Optimization. Most of these will include acquiring a lot of specifics of the keyword phrases that are well known in relation to your web sites niche or theme.

You may also have to edit your websites contents so you may get the right keywords in your site with out which makes it too commercial but informative. There are particular things that must be followed when making your site’s content pertinent and favorable to the search engines.

You must also work with lots of additional websites so that you could get url exchanges and web page exchanges. The more incoming and outbound internet traffic generated by websites among others are one of several components search engines like Google utilizes to rank websites.

Contact Me for SEO Help and Suggestions - Make Friends

10:45 PM 0 Comments

You can Contact Me for Suggestions on:

For your Web Site:
SEO, SMO, SMM, Web Design, Analytics

For your Domain:
Domain Hosting, Hosting Plans, Domain Virus Attack Issue

For your Blog:
Word Press Blog Setup, Blog Optimization, Blog Promotion

For your Products/Services Marketing:
Affiliate Marketing Ideas

Contact Details:
Gmail: harikrishnadev
Yahoo: hari_seo
Hotmail: harikrishnadev
Twitter: harikrishnadev
Skype: harikrishnadev

Hari Krishna, SEO Professional

10:44 PM 0 Comments

Keen Learner, enthusiast and a practicing SEO professional

I have spent around 6 years in SEO and SMO and love exploring the web.

A civil engineer when I started out after college, I took to online marketing like fish to water in a few years.

In the past 6 plus years, I have covered the entire gamut of activities including optimizing WebPages as per SEO standards, using web analytics to analyze traffic and web site visibility, re-optimizing for better rankings.

An avid blogger as well, I love blogging about different SEO practices and how one can use the web judiciously to attain better results.


oDesk Certified Search Engine Optimization Consultant

oDesk Certified Google Analytics Consultant

oDesk Certified Google Webmaster Expert

And connect with me on @twitter : harikrishnadev
Skype: harikrishnadev
Gmail: harikrishnadev

Search Engine Optimization vs Seach Engine Friendly Web Design

10:22 PM 0 Comments

The first step towards effective search engine optimization is designing your pages to be search-engine friendly.

How "Search Engine Friendly Web Design" helps you in Successful SEO:

• Build a website for your users, not for the search engines.
• Keep in mind the basic rules of web design for searchers: site should be easy to read, navigate, and find; should be consistent in layout, design, and labeling, and should be quick to load.
• Do not neglect the basic rules of web design for crawlers: spider must be able to index text, follow links, and measure popularity.
• Need to accommodate searcher behavior
• 3 equal parts: keyword-rich text, site and page architecture, and high-quality external link development
• Usability tests will let you know if visitors can tell what your site is about
• If search engines can’t access your pages, those pages won’t rank
• Search engines can follow flash-based links but they’re not very good at it
• Flash pages are not search engine friendly and usually are not user friendly
• Look at the page load time after all your design is done, More images may slow down your web site to load
• People don’t come to a website to see how wonderful you are. They come to your website to see what you can do for them.
• Press release PDFs are ok on your site, but you have to optimize them the same as you would a webpage.
• You must communicate well with the engines so they can communicate well with the searchers.

Search Engine Optimization vs. Social Media Marketing

10:09 PM 0 Comments

What is the difference between search engine optimization and social media marketing?

The easiest way to explain the difference between search engine marketing and social media campaigns is by comparing how quickly you see results.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) writing works, but it usually takes time to see an increase in traffic. No matter how good of a job you do at incorporating keywords into your web content, it takes a while for search engines to notice you. You also need to spend time building links to your content if you want to improve your rankings and subsequent traffic. In general, it will take longer to see results from search engine optimization, but you’ll likely reap the benefits of your hard work for a much longer period of time with little maintenance. This is what I believe is the great source for your Permanent Traffic.

Social media campaigns, on the other hand, can bring a quick spike in traffic and – hopefully – sales. You can build a contest that you promote through Twitter or Facebook and begin to see results almost immediately.The down side to social media campaigns is that they have a short shelf life. Twitter and Facebook are constantly being renewed with fresh information and content and it doesn’t take long for your message to get buried by more recent content. Ideally, you’re working with a content marketing expert who will help you use search engine optimization to reach your long term goals and build a solid foundation for residual traffic AND put together timely social media campaigns to help you with time sensitive promotions.

I do work more on Search Engines than Twitter or Facebook. I do Social Media Optimization to support my SEO.

Organic vs Paid Search Facts

5:54 PM 0 Comments

There are two kinds of search results: paid search and organic (or natural) search.
“Which is better, organic search marketing or pay-per-click marketing?”
People prefer and trust organic search results more

  • More than 8 out of 10 Internet users look on search engines to find information and the products or services they want to buy
  • Up to 85% of searchers ignore paid listings
  • 63% of the top natural (organic) listings get click throughs
  • Natural (organic) search results convert 30% higher than PPC

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